Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Could not open key: Software\Microsoft\ASP.NET\x.x.x.x : ASP.NET Application Installation issue

The problem is related to ASP.NET application installation. I had an ASP.NET 4.0 application. I created a setup for that application. I tried to install it in a machine where .Net framework 4.0 was installed. I got the following error:


I was unable to infer the problem from the above error. After googling a bit, I figured the problem out. My machine had .net framework 4.0 Beta installed and my web application was developed in released version of .Net framework 4.0. The version of the web application and .net runtime of deployed machine didn’t match. In order to install asp.net application, the ASP.NET version of install application and .net runtime version of the web server’s machine has to be same. You can check the version from the property of Setup project.


This requirement is true for any version of ASP.NET application to be installed.

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